
Cedarfalls Consulting working with Ocean Group to make way for years of safe shipping in Sarnia

In September of 2016, Cedarfalls Building Consultants Limited was selected to provide project management for the land operations of the 2016 Sarnia Harbour Dredging Project.

Working with Ocean Group out of Québec City, this multi-million dollar project to dredge more than 40,000 cubic metres of sediment from the Sarnia Harbour, cleared the way for years of safe passage for ships and the ability for the City of Sarnia to maintain a valuable revenue stream through the harbour operations.

The project saw several thousand truckloads of sediment transported in sealed trucks around the clock, seven days a week from the Harbour to Sarnia Chris Hadfield Airport at the outskirts of town.

Regulatory constraints as a result of decanted water test results immediately prior to the commencement of the dredging operations, changed the scope of the work dramatically, however, Ocean Group and Cedarfalls, adapted and provided the City of Sarnia with solutions that were implemented on the fly to ensure the City's needs were met and the harbour was open in time for winter berthing of ships and the valuable revenue it brings to the City.

